When You Should Change Your Locks

changing vs rekeyingA locksmith is one of the most critical components of any given home’s security strategy. After all, a locked door is often the first line of defense of any given home, and the abilities of one’s locksmith will determine the level of safety and security they will enjoy in the long run.
South Glenn Locksmith

+When You Should Change your Locks

changing lock1Changing one’s locks isn’t the sort of activity anyone wants to make a habit, not only because of the expense the activity can sometimes attract but the inconvenience involved. However, there are cases where this prospect is simply unavoidable, situations that tend to necessitate the changing of one’s locks, the most prominent of which include the following:

-Losing your keys

This is the primary factor that drives people to change their locks. A surprising number of individuals lose their keys every year, and when this happens, one has no other choice but to change their locks. It doesn’t really matter if they are eventually returned to you. Once you lose sight of your keys and you are unable to account for their whereabouts for any notable amount of time, it is important that you change the locks, lest someone take advantage of your loss to gain access to your home.

If you are prone to losing your keys, consider investing in a keyless entry system.

-Worn Locks

worn door lockLocks do not last forever. Eventually, they begin to wear out and rust, transforming into a serious weakness for your home’s security. Keep in mind the fact that old locks are much easier to pick and break. Keep an eye out for any visible signs of wear such as rust and tarnish. More often than not, you can tell that your locks need immediate replacement when they become increasingly difficult to open with your keys.


When you become the victim of a break-in or an attempted break-in, it would be within your best interests to change your locks. For one thing, the force used to break into your home is bound to have compromised the integrity of your lock’s components.

More importantly, once someone successfully breaks into your home, they tend to gain vital insider knowledge into the workings of your security and the weaknesses of your locks. As such, you are encouraged to reinvigorate your security by changing your locks.

A break in should compel you to scrutinize any security arrangements you have and to close any weaknesses you encounter.


When you move into a new home, it is only rational for you to undertake the expense of changing your locks. The chances are quite high that the former occupant still has the keys to your new home. As such, rather than taking chances with your security, you are better off changing every lock in your new home.

This same level of prudence is encouraged anytime you change roommates. If someone moves out of your house or apartment, especially under hostile circumstances, the only way you can ensure that access to your home remains restricted is by changing your locks.

Individuals that have experienced divorces or separations rarely take this issue into account. It doesn’t really matter how civilized your separation might have been. If you want to avoid misunderstandings, you need to change your locks. Even if your former partner isn’t the sort of person to misuse their access to your home, there is no telling who will have access to their keys once the two of you separate. Do not take chances.

-Spare keys

This goes without saying; any time you give out your spare keys, especially to repairmen, service persons and the like, and you do not receive them back, it is imperative that you change the locks to your home. You can never be too sure about who might try accessing your home.

On a whole, any individual with property of any notable value is encouraged to change their locks every few years. You do not have to experience one of the situations above in order to change your locks.

Like any security mechanism, locks do not merely wear and tear over time. They can also grow obsolete. More importantly, technology is constantly changing. The only way to stay ahead of all those nefarious minds working to develop even more effective methods of infiltrating your home is to change your locks on a regular basis. Consult a professional locksmith where necessary. Make an effort to remain abreast of technological trends when it comes to your locks.

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