5 Ways To Make Your Home Safe From Intruders

home securityIn the last few years, the rate of burglary has declined steadily, whether it is due to an increase in the vigilance of law enforcement or due to an increase in technology is unsure. Irrespective of the reason, the technology available to make homes safe from intruders has improved and it has certainly assisted in the decrease of burglary rates. There are

certain things homeowners can do to reduce probability of their homes being broken into; here are 5 ways to make your home safe from intruders.

Install Deadbolt Locks

deadboltsDeadbolts locks makes it difficult for thieves to break in and the longer a thief spends in the home, the higher the chances of him being caught in the act by the homeowner or a random visitor. Deadbolts locks makes a home more difficult to break into but you should ensure that you purchase a high quality deadbolt locks so that they cannot be compromised easily. Locks for all exterior doors should be either grade one or two, such locks can resist a burglar lock picking attempts and they are not likely to give in to tampering. High quality deadbolt locks also have a beveled casing that makes it hard for the lock to be compromised using channel lock pliers which are often used on other types of locks to remove the cylinder pins in the lock.

Install a home security system

home security controlsInstalling a home security system is one of the simplest and the most effective way of making your home safe from intruders. A home security system will alert you when a thief breaks in. They also have loud alarms that scare any intruder before he or she can steal or damage anything as well as alert the neighbors. If well monitored, home security systems can also alert the local authorities who will respond promptly to check why the alarm was activated.

Also, you can consider enforcing neighborhood watch to promote the safety of your home as well keep the burglars away. This involves the entire neighborhood working together to enforce a safety community for the members and keeping watch of another member’s home especially when the security alarm goes on. This kind of cooperation can certainly help to keep the burglars away.

Maintain a Well Lit Property

Burglars do not target a well-lit area because they can easily be seen compared to breaking in in the dark. Therefore, always ensure that the outdoor lighting is functional to maintain a safe property. Having a well-lit front porch means that nothing can get into the house without being seen.

Avoid posting all your travel plans online

Whether it is mentioning to a colleague or friend about an upcoming business trip or it is the children talking publicly about an upcoming vacation, mentioning travel plans in public can be quite dangerous. An unintended person could overhear that there will be no one in the home for the scheduled days which is an invitation for prospective burglars to target your home. Also, once you travel, do not post all the travel updates online immediately, you should wait until after the trip or vacation; when you are back home to post the images and check-ins in the places you visited.

Timing Devices

Using timing devices may seem rather old but it is still effective in keeping burglars away. Timing devices are perfect tools to implement in your home whether or not you are on a trip or vacation because they help to switch on the lights in the home even when there is no one at home. The best method of implementing timing devices is to plug them then set them to work during the times no one is in the house. When you set the timing devices to turn on the lights, turn on the TV or radio and turn down the blinds when no one is at home, it will certainly confuse burglars and turn them away. Timing devices can also be used to make a home safer for those living alone or those whose spouses are usually out of town. Coming back to a dark home is quite scary and it can be dangerous especially to women who live alone. Installing timing devices gives a home a safer atmosphere when you return home in the night.

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